How it all started...
Planted by Liberty Reformed Presbyterian Church of Randallstown, Maryland in 1977, Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church was declared a “Particular Church” by the Delmarva Presbytery (Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod which later merged with the Presbyterian Church in America) on June 2, 1979. The organizing pastor, Rev. Jack Skeen, was used by God to form the foundation of the church, which started out as a small Bible Study. During this time the church acquired the property and building where we are still located today.
In February 1982, Rev. George Miller became the new pastor and his ministry of building up the congregation and sustaining the church continued for 17 years until his retirement at the end of November 1999. Following a brief interim period, Rev. James Knight then shepherded the congregation until he accepted a call back to his native Georgia, departing at the end of August 2004. During Pastor Knight’s pastorate at Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church, a number of new programs were developed and implemented and the mortgage was retired.
In August 2005, following an extensive search period, Rev. John F. Armstrong, Jr. accepted a call and was installed by the Potomac Presbytery as Pastor of Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Since 1977, our Lord God has been faithful to His church in Frederick throughout its existence, providing for every need in every way.
In February 1982, Rev. George Miller became the new pastor and his ministry of building up the congregation and sustaining the church continued for 17 years until his retirement at the end of November 1999. Following a brief interim period, Rev. James Knight then shepherded the congregation until he accepted a call back to his native Georgia, departing at the end of August 2004. During Pastor Knight’s pastorate at Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church, a number of new programs were developed and implemented and the mortgage was retired.
In August 2005, following an extensive search period, Rev. John F. Armstrong, Jr. accepted a call and was installed by the Potomac Presbytery as Pastor of Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Since 1977, our Lord God has been faithful to His church in Frederick throughout its existence, providing for every need in every way.

Where we are headed...
The next exciting season for us is expanding the physical building to house all the new growth with which the Lord has blessed us. Our building campaign is seeing a strong and steady rise in available funding to support the vision: several stages of building enhancements, including a new sanctuary, a children's wing, and improved kitchen, bathrooms, and offices, to meet the needs of our growing family.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:45 am.