Be part of our delightfully busy Sunday School program for children of all ages! We offer a safe and nurturing nursery for children through age 4 during the worship service, children are also welcome to stay with their family during the service. Safety is of utmost importance to us, so we have established many solid guidelines based on years of research, to protect our most precious gifts from God. In addition to Sunday morning programs we also provide Youth Group for middle and high school students, and Vacation Bible School every summer.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Sunday Mornings
Song Time with Mr. Steve
Sunday School classes for All ages.
Sunday School classes for All ages.
Structured nursery care for children under 5
Worship Goodie Bags for older kids staying with you in the service.
Worship Goodie Bags for older kids staying with you in the service.