Local Missions
The Local Missions Committee of Faith Church exists to encourage our body to pray for, participate in, and provide financial support to ministries in our community that proclaim the Gospel of Christ. "Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (I Corinthians 15:58B).
Locally, our church assists with: Central Maryland Youth For Christ, Downtown Christian Fellowship, Frederick County Young Life, The Frederick Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, Beyond Shelter, Care Net, and other agencies. We try to be responsive to needs outside of our congregation to share the love of Christ.
Locally, our church assists with: Central Maryland Youth For Christ, Downtown Christian Fellowship, Frederick County Young Life, The Frederick Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, Beyond Shelter, Care Net, and other agencies. We try to be responsive to needs outside of our congregation to share the love of Christ.
Meal ministry
A meal shared by friends can be a tangible encouragement and a comfort during a trial. Our church family comes together to provide meals in seasons of a death in the family, a new baby, an illness, or a need of extra encouragement. If you know of anyone in need or would like to help provide meals, please contact the church office.
Prayer warriors
Prayer is a powerful tool for God’s people which cannot be overestimated. "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:16). On Wednesday nights, our church family comes together in person and online for prayer meeting, while the men of Faith Church meet each Thursday morning at 6:30 for prayer and breakfast. We also share prayer requests freely on our church's social media page.

Global Missions
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
When you are responsible for one of the largest line items in the church’s budget, you take that very seriously and prayerfully. Through prayer, financial support, material support, and international mission trips, we seek to share the love of Christ and the truth of the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Faith Church’s Global Missions Committee works on a seven-year schedule. We have a planning year, followed by a five-year set of activities. This cycle culminates in a Sabbath Year, where we reflect on the accomplishments and challenges of the period. In 2024, we are at the very beginning of a seven-year cycle.
Our vision focuses on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Reformed Faith with Hispanic, Muslim, and university communities, both in the United States and abroad. To those ends, we support seven missions/missionaries working with Hispanics and three reaching out to Muslims. Three more ministries we support serve university students, with two of those focusing on international students who may never have heard anything about the Gospel in their home countries. In total, we financially support 16 ministries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and throughout the US.
Finally, we send members of our own congregation on short-term mission trips to Latin America. Primarily these trips take us to Colombia and Paraguay. Our work in these countries is to equip people in the faith, to bolster the continuing training of Reformed Spanish-speaking pastors and elders, and to build up women’s ministries in the churches we engage.
Our Work in Latin America
In 2010, Faith Church began partnering with Reformed Presbyterian Churches in Colombia. We initially started working with the Presbitario Caribe and its four particular churches in cities along the Caribbean coast. We entered into a partnership with the Presbitario and continue to provide support to churches in that area. We undertook various activities, including VBS, medical missions, and Biblical theology conferences for men and women. In 2016, we sponsored and coordinated the first national Reformed women’s ministry in Cali, Colombia—Transformada 2016. We also began to partner with the presbytery of Iglesia Betania de la Reforma in the Valle de Cauca Department. Working with Iglesia Betania, we sponsored Transformada 2018 and conducted a medical missions trip in 2019. Unfortunately, COVID disrupted our plans for Transformada 2020 and 2022, but we are working towards holding the next Transformada conference in Cali in 2023. Meanwhile, Faith Church is preparing to return to the Valle de Cauca and partner with Iglesia Betania churches providing medical clinics in the summer of 2022. During COVID, we have focused on sustaining our partner churches in Colombia. In 2015, we began working with Project Paraguay to support Reformed Presbyterian churches in Paraguay. We have participated in construction projects, theology training, and helping prepare men to be ordained as pastors. Through an action of the PCA General Assembly, overseen by the Potomac Presbytery, we participate in activities developing the Paraguayan churches into their own presbytery.