Sunday, March 23, 2025

Please make plans to join us on Saturday, April 5th (rain date, April 12th).  We need all kinds of helpers for things like planting, mulching, pulling weeds, cleaning, and organizing.  We’ll start at 9am and finish at lunchtime with pizza for all.

We Need YOU!

Please pick up a pack of plastic easter eggs at the Welcome Table, take them home and stuff them with candy for the Kids’ Resurrection Day Celebration.  Filled eggs need to be placed in the box in the Narthex by April 6th.  Thank you for being part of this egg-citing outreach!

Bill and Christine Kiewit’s last day with us will be next week on Sunday, March 30.  Join them after the service for a brief, informal, meet & greet type farewell in the Fellowship Hall.


Women’s BRUNCH
(Building Relationships and UNity in CHrist)  
You are cordially invited to join the women of Faith for a time of fellowship and getting to know one another better, THIS Saturday, March 29 at 10:30am at the church.  Please rsvp as soon as possible by clicking here, OR, you can sign up on paper in the Narthex.  If you have already signed up but can also bring food, please also sign up in the Narthex.

Care Net Fund Raising Banquet.
March 29, 5pm Walkersville Fire Hall.

Souper Sunday!  
Support the Frederick Rescue Mission on Sunday, March 30 from 12-3pm with delicious local soups and a souvenir ceramic bowl from the Frederick Clay Studio.  Get all the details and sign up right here.

Kids’ Resurrection Day Celebration!
On Saturday, April 19th at 10am, bring your children, grandchildren, and neighborhood kids for all the fun!  Every family goes home with a free children’s book.  Register by clicking here.

Men’s Canoe Trip.   
Full details, including general info, costs, itinerary, and registration are now available by clicking here.
Men of Faith, join us for this annual memory-making favorite and bring your friends!  

Annual Church Retreat.
May 30-June 1. Registration is now open! Spend the weekend with your church family in relational settings, worshiping our good God, and studying together, under the leadership of our elders, the surprising comfort of trusting God in the uncertainties of life. Click here for all the details and to register your family.

Vacation Bible School.  
June 16-20.  See Hannah Paugh or Megan Kenny to help out!

Sun., Mar 23
9:15am    Sunday School
10:45am  Worship service
12:15pm  Children’s Choir Rehearsal
5:00pm    Youth Group

Mon., Mar.24
7:00pm     Faith Choir Rehearsal

Wed., Mar. 26
12:00pm   Men’s Lunch Bunch
7:00pm     Prayer meeting online

Thur., Mar. 27
7:00pm     English as a Second  
                  Language Ministry

Fri., Mar. 28
10:30am   Friday Fiber Fellowship

Sat., Mar. 29
10:30am   Ladies’ Brunch Event
10:30am   Downtown Chr. Fellowship

Sun., Mar. 30

9:15am     Sunday School
10:45am   Worship service
12:00pm   Children’s Choir Rehearsal
12:15pm    Kiewit Farewell, Fellowship Hall
5:00pm    Youth Group

March Missions Moment
This month's Missions Moment highlights Jim & Karen Weaver, who have been serving with MTW in West Africa since 2017, focusing on center-city church planting. Jim leads the West African Reformed Mission (WARM), working alongside national church leaders, MTW missionaries, and U.S. pastors to establish gospel-centered churches. Pray for their ministry, for strong local leadership, and for the growth of Christ’s church in West Africa.