Sunday, February 16, 2025
During Worship Today:
For children under five, who must be signed in and picked up with a security tag. Activity bags are provided in the narthex for children remaining in the worship service.
Fellowship Meal Today immediately after the service.
Youth Group 5pm
Gideon Bibles. From Bob Miller:
Thanks to the generosity of Faith Church dozens of Gideon Bibles were given to four local public schools last week: Walkersville High, Walkersville Middle, Catoctin High and Catoctin Middle. May the gospel open many hearts there!
Inquirer’s Class
This Saturday, February 22. Want to know more about the PCA and who we are at Faith? Thinking of joining the church? This class is for you! Join us from 9am-1pm in the Fellowship Hall; lunch is included. Sign up at the Welcome Table.
ESL Volunteers Needed.
The Lord is bringing the students! Please see Jacquie Johnston if you can volunteer for this vital outreach and make a real difference.
Teach Me to Worship Helpers Needed.
See Ellen Nicodemus if you can commit to serving our children one Sunday (during the second half of the service) every 2-3 months. There is no preparation required on your part to serve in this practical way.
Coming Events
All of these events and more can be found on our church calendar. Look on our app and website. www.faithreformed.org/calendar
Care Net Fund Raising Banquet
March 29, 5pm Walkersville Fire Hall. We have reserved a table that seats 8, first come first served. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Bob Miller saranacbob@aol.com. Deadline for signing up is March 2.
Ministry Recruiting Fair!
During the Fellowship Meal today, our committees will each give a 2-minute overview of what they do and why. This is an excellent opportunity to hear about the functions of our church body and where you can step in and serve. Serving on committees or with large events is a two-way blessing!
DATE CHANGE: Baby Shower for the Sampselles
Sunday, MARCH 9 immediately following the worship service. Dirk and Heather’s baby girl, Sophie Grace was born on Jan 17. All women of the church are invited!
Tongues of Fire XIII!
Our Annual Chili Cook Off takes place in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, March 1, at 6:00pm. Chili needs to arrive no later than 5:30pm, sides and desserts by 5:45. Sign up at the Welcome Table to bring your best chili for competition, side dishes, or desserts, and let the fun begin!
Save these dates:
Anxious Generation Discussion.
March 22 9am-12pm, Fellowship Hall
Women’s BRUNCH Event.
Saturday, March 29 at 9:30am, Fellowship Hall.
Care Net Fund Raising Banquet.
Saturday March 29, 5pm. Signup in the Narthex.
Men’s Canoe Trip.
May 15-17 See Rich Rochford with questions.
Annual Church Retreat.
May 30-June 1. More details coming!
June 16-20. Planning has begun. See Hannah Paugh or Megan Kenny to help out!
For children under five, who must be signed in and picked up with a security tag. Activity bags are provided in the narthex for children remaining in the worship service.
Fellowship Meal Today immediately after the service.
Youth Group 5pm
Gideon Bibles. From Bob Miller:
Thanks to the generosity of Faith Church dozens of Gideon Bibles were given to four local public schools last week: Walkersville High, Walkersville Middle, Catoctin High and Catoctin Middle. May the gospel open many hearts there!
Inquirer’s Class
This Saturday, February 22. Want to know more about the PCA and who we are at Faith? Thinking of joining the church? This class is for you! Join us from 9am-1pm in the Fellowship Hall; lunch is included. Sign up at the Welcome Table.
ESL Volunteers Needed.
The Lord is bringing the students! Please see Jacquie Johnston if you can volunteer for this vital outreach and make a real difference.
Teach Me to Worship Helpers Needed.
See Ellen Nicodemus if you can commit to serving our children one Sunday (during the second half of the service) every 2-3 months. There is no preparation required on your part to serve in this practical way.
Coming Events
All of these events and more can be found on our church calendar. Look on our app and website. www.faithreformed.org/calendar
Care Net Fund Raising Banquet
March 29, 5pm Walkersville Fire Hall. We have reserved a table that seats 8, first come first served. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Bob Miller saranacbob@aol.com. Deadline for signing up is March 2.
Ministry Recruiting Fair!
During the Fellowship Meal today, our committees will each give a 2-minute overview of what they do and why. This is an excellent opportunity to hear about the functions of our church body and where you can step in and serve. Serving on committees or with large events is a two-way blessing!
DATE CHANGE: Baby Shower for the Sampselles
Sunday, MARCH 9 immediately following the worship service. Dirk and Heather’s baby girl, Sophie Grace was born on Jan 17. All women of the church are invited!
Tongues of Fire XIII!
Our Annual Chili Cook Off takes place in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, March 1, at 6:00pm. Chili needs to arrive no later than 5:30pm, sides and desserts by 5:45. Sign up at the Welcome Table to bring your best chili for competition, side dishes, or desserts, and let the fun begin!
Save these dates:
Anxious Generation Discussion.
March 22 9am-12pm, Fellowship Hall
Women’s BRUNCH Event.
Saturday, March 29 at 9:30am, Fellowship Hall.
Care Net Fund Raising Banquet.
Saturday March 29, 5pm. Signup in the Narthex.
Men’s Canoe Trip.
May 15-17 See Rich Rochford with questions.
Annual Church Retreat.
May 30-June 1. More details coming!
June 16-20. Planning has begun. See Hannah Paugh or Megan Kenny to help out!

Sunday, Feb. 16
9:15am Sunday School
10:45am Worship service
12:00pm Congregational Meeting
12:15pm Fellowship Meal/Ministry Updates
5:00pm Youth Group
Monday, Feb. 17
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, Feb. 18
12:00pm Men’s Bible Study with Charlie Van Meter
Wednesday, Feb. 19
12:00pm Men’s Lunch Bunch
7:00pm Prayer meeting online
Thursday, Feb. 20
7:00pm ESL Ministry
Friday, Feb. 21
10:30am Friday Fiber Friends
Saturday, Feb. 22
9:00am Inquirer’s Class
10:30am Downtown Christian Fellowship
Sunday, Feb. 23
9:15am Sunday School
10:45am Worship service
12:15pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal
5:00pm Youth Group
9:15am Sunday School
10:45am Worship service
12:00pm Congregational Meeting
12:15pm Fellowship Meal/Ministry Updates
5:00pm Youth Group
Monday, Feb. 17
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, Feb. 18
12:00pm Men’s Bible Study with Charlie Van Meter
Wednesday, Feb. 19
12:00pm Men’s Lunch Bunch
7:00pm Prayer meeting online
Thursday, Feb. 20
7:00pm ESL Ministry
Friday, Feb. 21
10:30am Friday Fiber Friends
Saturday, Feb. 22
9:00am Inquirer’s Class
10:30am Downtown Christian Fellowship
Sunday, Feb. 23
9:15am Sunday School
10:45am Worship service
12:15pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal
5:00pm Youth Group
Sermon Text:
2 Timothy 1:1-5
Praise Music:
Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
This is Amazing Grace
The Lord is My Salvation
359 Blest Be the Tie that Binds
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
2 Timothy 1:1-5
Praise Music:
Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
This is Amazing Grace
The Lord is My Salvation
359 Blest Be the Tie that Binds
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past

February Missions Moment
Care-Net Pregnancy Center in downtown Frederick is a vital ministry which gives counseling advice to pregnant women in difficult circumstances, gently helping them navigate their options. As a Christ centered ministry, they trust that their clients choose life but do not force a decision. Pray that these women would bring their pregnancies to full term and that they would see their greater need to turn to Jesus for salvation. The women are not charged for the services provided, which includes baby products such as diapers and other things needed for newborns.
Care-Net Pregnancy Center in downtown Frederick is a vital ministry which gives counseling advice to pregnant women in difficult circumstances, gently helping them navigate their options. As a Christ centered ministry, they trust that their clients choose life but do not force a decision. Pray that these women would bring their pregnancies to full term and that they would see their greater need to turn to Jesus for salvation. The women are not charged for the services provided, which includes baby products such as diapers and other things needed for newborns.